Avensis Solutions

Moving The World Forward



The Client

I was asked to build a brand identity for a tech startup by the name of Avensis Solutions, or Avensis for short. This digital-based company required a confident, minimal, and universal look. Something that conveyed trust, security and safety. With plans to grow and expand, their look would need to be capable of becoming a recognizable and authoritative name in the tech solutions landscape.

The Challenge

The client, dedicated to solving technology-based problems, needed a brand identity that conveyed innovation, reliability, and simplicity. Balancing the complex nature of their advanced solutions with user-friendly design was paramount. Additionally, clarifying their message and establishing trust within a competitive tech industry landscape were essential challenges. Our designs needed to bridge the gap between their cutting-edge technology and their clients’ everyday lives.

Project Vision

Avensis solves tech-based problems with their advanced solutions so their customers can resume their lives with ease, so we embarked on a journey to create a brand identity that would encapsulate that essence of innovation, reliability, and simplicity. The strategy was to craft a cohesive brand experience across various touchpoints, emphasizing the ease and effectiveness of their technology in solving real-life challenges.

We wanted to craft a modern and minimalistic iconic logo that symbolizes the fluidity of technology while maintaining an approachable and user-friendly appearance. No colour is more representative of that than a harmonious blend of blues, that conveys trust, growth, and the idea of solutions blossoming. The four lines are representative of a common sight in technology, cables and connections, moving in the shape of an “A”. The forward pointing motion of the lines are a nod to the meaning of Avensis, “to advance”.

The logotype features typography with a modern and unique twist on the ever-familiar sans serif family, with the sophisticated Okta Neue. It’s an easily recognizable genre of type that people have learned to read at just a glance, but with a unique styling that makes audiences take that second glance.

The Results


The deliverables for this project encompassed a modern and sleek logo design, a user-centric mobile app design, functional packaging and visual asset designs, and eye-catching content to simplify their complex solutions, and effective marketing services including SEO and email marketing. These assets collectively help establish Avensis as a trusted and innovative player in the tech solutions landscape.
In crafting Avensis’ distinctive logo, we seamlessly intertwined four elegantly curving lines, embodying a dynamic ‘A’ that signifies both innovation and progress. This emblem perfectly encapsulates the essence of the tech brand, marrying simplicity with forward momentum, and exemplifies our commitment to creating meaningful design solutions.
I developed a sleek and intuitive website and mobile app prototype. An emphasis was placed on user experience, easy navigation and clear communication, the three pillars of the client’s value proposition. Vibrant visuals, concise content, and user-friendly interfaces showcased the company’s tech prowess while keeping the mobile app and site approachable for all users.
For promotional materials and physical products, I created packaging designs that incorporated the brand’s visual identity with a minimalistic but fluid design. These designs were not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, aligning with the theme of “solutions made easy”, and “moving the world forward”.
We extended the brand experience into the physical space by designing captivating signage solutions. Whether it was the sleek signage at their corporate headquarters or trade show booth displays, our goal was to ensure that the brand’s identity was consistently and strikingly represented in the real world. Our signage designs mirrored the previously established online aesthetic, creating a seamless transition from the digital to the physical realm.